Jeff Deutsch: Hvalnica dobrim knjigarnam
Je dobra knjigarna le iluzija bralcev, ki težko preživi v ekonomsko usmerjenem svetu ali pa je njena vloga v skupnosti dovolj močna za preživetje.
Steven Kotler: The Rise of Superman, Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance
The Flow is rare for ordinary humans, but for extreme athletes it is mandatory and everyday experience. It is the state needed to reach our limits.
Daniel Goleman, Cary Cherniss: Optimal
Optimal from Goleman and Cherniss is a book on how to extend "the flow" moment in optimal state that gives us sustained excellence every day.
Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar: The Coming Wave; AI, Power and Our Future
AI and Our Future. Are we able to contain the coming wave of technology,? Will it work for us or we for it?
Stephen Padgett, William E. Paterson: A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe
A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe is great overview on the development of social democratic idea that shaped political landscape after WWII.
Meik Wiking: The Art of Danish Living
The Art of Danish Living is a book about happiness at work and how to achieve it by using Nordics style. Work-life balance or work-life blend?
Daniel Coyle: Skrivnost sodelovanja
Daniel Coyle piše o tem kaj je ključno za delovanje uspešne skupine. To so varnost, kazanje ranljivosti in dovolj velik skupni cilj.
Tae Kim: The Nvidia Way; Jensen Huang and the Making of a Tech Giant
The Nvidia Way is the story about how Jensen Huang management and some technological bright minds brough Nvidia to the top.
Steven Bartlett: Dnevnik direktorja
Dnevnik direktorja skozi oči Stevena Bartletta nam poda 33 zakonov, ki nam olajšajo življenje in delo in nam razkrijejo skrivnosti uspešnih ljudi.
Andrew Binns, Charles O’Reilly, Michael Tushman: Corporate Explorer
Corporate Explorer is entrepreneur inside corporation. Innovation game comes easy to startup, but inside a corporation it is a different game.
Jam Al-Khalili: Quantum, A Guide for the Perplexed
Quantum is the world so small that we can not see it, but we have a good explanation of it already. The book is a good overview of what we know.
Graham Hawkins, Mark Micallef: Deep Selling
Deep selling is an approach authors offer as reply to changes in the sales environment, where buyer is the king. Out of shallow and into the deep selling.
Jake Dunlap: The Innovative Seller; Keeping Pace in an AI and Customer-Centric World
The Innovative Sellers of the Future are part of modern sales organization that is built on 4Cs of selling organization.
Melinda Spaulding, Mitch Tull: Finding Insight
In today's data world if you are not able to use structured approach to insight discovery, you will never find it, due to data noise.
Thomas S. Kuhn: Struktura znanstvenih revolucij
Razvoj znanosti ni kumulativen, temveč na njen razvoj vplivajo znanstvene revolucije. Ko je kriza prevelika, se pojavi nova paradigma.
Daniel Z. Lieberman, Michael E. Long: The Molecule of More
Dopamine is the molecule of more. It never stops. Here and now is not important of it.
Lukas Michel, Herb Nold: The Transition of Organizations
In the VUCA time how you manage organization in uncertain times is the key to successful management. The book gives some guidance.
Anna Lembke: Dopamine Nation, Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
Dopamine nation is an insight on how are dopamine drive can lead to addictions and how we should balance pain and pleasure.
Neil Oliver: A History of Scotland
History of Scotland from the geography to tribes to nation and a part of the union. With Highland and Lowland and diaspora.
Alex Hutchinson: Endure; Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
Instead of asking what are the limits of human performance, author is researching what cause them - body or mind?
Herman Pontzer: Pokuriti
Pokuriti je knjiga, ki odstira vpogled v človeško presnovo in kalorije, ki so valuta življenja.
Michele Hansen: Deploy Empathy, A Practical Guide to Interviewing Customers
If you do it right, customer interview is your best tool for information gathering. The book is about how to do it right.
Michael Young: Vzpon Meritokracije
Vzpon meritokracije je knjiga, ki jo je Michael Young sprva zastavil kot resno razpravo a jo nato prelevil v satiro. Prednosti in pasti meritokracije skozi zgodovinsko satiro.
Michael D. Watkins: The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking
If you want to play a CEO role, strategic thinking is a must. This book is short introduction what it is all about.
Jeffrey K.Liker: The Toyota Way
The Toyota Way is a very detailed insight into production excellence of the most successful automotive company in the world.
Fitzroy Maclean: Scotland
Scotland is the land of fighting and beauty. Scottish history is anything but a boring story. The author write it fluently.
Matt Rendell: Colombia es Pasion
Colombian cycling is more than just a sport, it is a part of country's identity and hope for a better future.
Chris Brown: William Wallace, The Man and The Myth
Real William Wallace is not Mel Gibson's Braveheart. The book gives one view on his history.
Doug Davidoff: The Revenue Acceleration Framework
The Revenue Acceleration Framework provides a reader with a comprehensive overview on how to manage RevOps in structured way.
David Ogilvy: Ogilvy on Advertising
Some wisdoms on advertising from the giant of advertising. Ogilvy on Advertising is the book that offers you an entrance into a world of advertising.
Rob Walling: The SaaS Playbook
The SaaS Playbook is a book from SaaS owner on how to build a SaaS business. A personal view based on experiences.
Wes Bush: Product-Led Growth
You can focus your market approach to product led growth or sales lead practices. If you go with a product, the book can help you.
Jean-Francois Marmion: Psihologija Neumnosti
Neumnost je velika beseda, lahko uporabljiva, toda le redki so se jo lotilil na znanstven način in z različnih zornih kotov.
Sam Knowles: Asking Smarter Questions
Asking smarter questions is a skill that can help us in life and work. Especially if you are into sales. Curiosity, open mind and ability to listen help.
Keenan: Gap Selling
Gap selling is about knowing customer's current state and desired future state and defining the impact of that change.
Siddhartha Mukherjee: Pesem Celice
Pesem celice je knjiga avtorja, ki nam je približal že gene. Siddhartha Mukherjee spet na svoj, berljiv način predstavi kompleksen svet človeške celice.
Brian Halligan, Dharmesh Shah: Inbound Marketing; Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online
Inbound marketing is the new door-to-door sales approach for digital world. The book from Hubspot founders is an insight into this new world.
Branislav Vujović: Između 2 sveta; Putovanje u digitalni svet
Digitalni svet nije isto kao fizički. Ako želite kao kompanija napraviti pravu digitalnu transformaciju, kreirajte digitalne procese.
April Dunford: Sales Pitch; How to Craft a Story to Stand Out and Win
Creating a good Sales Pitch is about showing customer the alternatives and guide them to your differentiated value. April Dunford shows how to do it.
April Dunford: Obviously Awesome; How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It
Obviously awesome is a practical guide on mastering positioning of your product or your company. Great overview on how to do better the most important part in selling.
Alexandre Lazarow: Out-Innovate
Out Innovate is the story of global startups and entrepreneurs, outside Silicon Valley and how those Frontier Innovators are building Camels and not only Unicorns.
Jared Fuller, Jill Rowley: Nearbound and the Rise of the Who Economy
Nearbound is a book about creating partnership in modern B2B selling. It addresses the rise of the Who economy.
ChatGPT view on Hubspot, Microsoft and Salesforce (sales and marketing tools)
What if the future of buyer's discovery is not web searching but AI utilisation. ChatGPT sales and marketing tools comparison for Hubspot, Salesforce and Microsoft.
Če bi lahko … idealno prodajno organizacijo
Če bi živeli v svetu brez omejitev, kako bi zgradili idealno prodajno organizacijo, ki bi bila moderna in učinkovita.
Francis Wheen: Kako so prodajalci megle zavladali svetu
Prodajalci megle je knjiga o moderni družbi, ki je skrenila s poti, ki so jo zastavili razsvetljenci. Rahko senzacionalistična z zanimivi poudarki.
The Future CEO
The Future CEO is technology savvy, leading as member, Gen Z aware, physically ready and embracing diversity.
Bill Stinnett: The Digital Selling Handbook
Digital selling is a new reality. 67 % of buying process your buyer is alone. The digital selling handbook is a guide on how to do it better.
Julio Valdeon, Joseph Perez, Santos Julia: Zgodovina Španije
Zgodovina Španije je razgibana in nikoli dolgočasna. Enotnost Španije je mit, ki ga država poskuša držati skupaj še danes.
Amy Cuddy: Prisotnost
Moč nam omogoča prisotnost. Prisotnost je stanje, ki vodi do polne angažiranosti. Samozavest brez vzvišenosti.
Rebecca A. Fannin: Tech Titans of China
Tech Titans of China are not only BAT (Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba). TDM (Toutiao, Meituan and Didi) are coming. And China is winning in some tech areas.
Stephen G. Diorio, Chris K. Hummel: Revenue Operations
Revenue operations is about aligning sales, marketing and customer service to improve monetization of all your customer-facing assets and customer experience.
How do you feed your sales Cerberus (marketing, sales, customer service)
Marketing, sales and customer service are three heads of selling monster called Cerberus. Your role as a sales manager is to play Hercules.
Kit Sadgrove: Copywriting Frameworks, Formulas and Checklist
Copywriting frameworks, formulas and checklists is structured book that offers quick introduction to the world of copywriting.
Brian Klass: Fluke; Chance, Chaos, and Why Everything We Do Matters
Fluke is the book about uncertainty of our world and how to accept is. Chaos theory can help us. We control nothing and influence everything.
Jeremy Koudri: Coaching Questions for Every Situation
Coaching questions is not only a book about coaching, but is a collection of strong questions for a lot of situations, including sales.
Maja Voje: Go-To-Market Strategist
Go-to-market strategy is an art. In her book Go-To-Market Strategy, Maja Voje is trying to bring that art a little closer to ordinary mortals.
Think, Say, Do … people are not 1 or 0 (context and interests)
People are not simple. People think, say, do ... but not always all three actions are the same. How to understand people better and be successful in selling.
Robert Ajger: Vožnja života
Životna priča Roberta Ajgera o njegovoj Vožnji života. Knjiga koja priča osobnu priču i lekcije iz vođenja.
Petra Škarja: Akrobati
Akrobati je knjiga o samotni poti do uspeha. Jure Knez in njegov Dewesoft sta opomnik, da v zasavski dolini nimajo le visokega dimnika.
Shameen Prashantham: Gorillas can dance
Corporations and startups. Relationship that resembles dancing with gorillas. But if done properly, can be beneficial to both parties.
Programi nagrajevanja v prodaji
Programi nagrajevanja v prodaji so lahko pot do uspešne in motivirane prodaje. Kako jih postaviti, kaj upoštevati in kako omejiti tveganja.
Joe Mull: Employalty
Employalty is the framework for new people management. Creating an environment of ideal job, meaningful work and great bosses.
AI usage – follow the “it doesn’t get easier; you just get better” path
AI should not still your critical thinking, don't make it about easier, make it about better. Put the effort in and use AI outputs smartly.
Woo-Kyoung Ahn: Thinking 101
Thinking better as explained in this Thinking 101 book is about understanding main human biases and address them properly.
Aliide Naylor: The Shadow in the East
Russia and the Baltics is an intense relationship. Russia with their power, media and hybrid threat, and Baltics fighting against Russia influence.
Walt Bogdanich, Michael Forsythe: When McKinsey Comes to Town
When McKinsey comes to town is a book about the most famous consulting company and its influence on the world around them Walking the thin line of ethics.