Andrew Binns, Charles O’Reilly, Michael Tushman: Corporate Explorer
Corporate Explorer is entrepreneur inside corporation. Innovation game comes easy to startup, but inside a corporation it is a different game.
Lukas Michel, Herb Nold: The Transition of Organizations
In the VUCA time how you manage organization in uncertain times is the key to successful management. The book gives some guidance.
Jeffrey K.Liker: The Toyota Way
The Toyota Way is a very detailed insight into production excellence of the most successful automotive company in the world.
Branislav Vujović: Između 2 sveta; Putovanje u digitalni svet
Digitalni svet nije isto kao fizički. Ako želite kao kompanija napraviti pravu digitalnu transformaciju, kreirajte digitalne procese.
Jason Hoover: ChatGPT Strategies for B2B Transformation
Using ChatGPT for B2B environment is not only about improving efficiency but in majority of cases building new business machine for new business practices.
Howard Schultz: Onward
Onward, the story of Starbucks Transformation is offering insight into on the ground process of turning a huge company in the right direction.
Patrick Lencioni: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
How to build a strong team. By reducing the five dysfunctions of a team. Lencioni is talking about them and how to repair them through a story.
Claire Hughes Johnson: Scaling People; Tactics for Management and Company Building
When companies are scaling, the biggest challenge is sometimes scaling people. How to do that and how to manage operations in scaling companies are two topics the book is covering very well.
Maja Daraboš: Evolucija konkurentske prednosti
Evolucija konkurentske prednosti dovjela je u situaciju hiperkonkurencije, u kojoj se traži brzina i inovativnost. I to više puta.