Amy Webb: The Big Nine
AI technology could change our world. The Big Nine, six US and three China companies are at the forefront of its development now. What will happen in the future.
Enamul Haque: The Ultimate Modern Guide to Artificial Intelligence
AI is umbrella concept, Machine learning is a part of it and Deep Learning is promising a bright future. Nice overview about what AI is all about.
Seth Earley: The AI-Powered Enterprise
What AI can and can’t do Ontology meaning used in this book is a set of concepts and categories in a subject... Read More
Bill Schmarzo: The Economics of Data, Analytics and Digital transformation
Digital transformation Improving decisions in a world of constant change will only happen if we create a culture of continuous exploring, learning... Read More
Nick Hobbie: Data for Executives; How to influence stakeholders and achieve success
Data presentation is a combination of three things: Data analytics: includes gather, clean and prepare data. Creative design: can be broken into... Read More
Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris: Competing on Analytics; The New Science of Winning
Why do analytics Netflix is one of analytical competitor. Its CEO Reed Hastings has a master’s in computer science from Stanford. They... Read More
Francis Buttle: Customer relationship management; Concepts and technologies – second edition
Customer relationship management – general There are four types of CRM: Strategic – focused upon development of a customer-centric business culture. Operational... Read More
Aaron Ross, Marylou Tyler: Predictable Revenue, Turn Your Business Into a Sales Machine with The $100 Million Best Practices of
Great book from Aaron Ross, creator of Sales Force outbound sales model, in which he explain how to approach sales and different roles inside of it, to make the most efficient approach to the market.
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