Melinda Spaulding, Mitch Tull: Finding Insight
In today's data world if you are not able to use structured approach to insight discovery, you will never find it, due to data noise.
Lukas Michel, Herb Nold: The Transition of Organizations
In the VUCA time how you manage organization in uncertain times is the key to successful management. The book gives some guidance.
Michael D. Watkins: The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking
If you want to play a CEO role, strategic thinking is a must. This book is short introduction what it is all about.
Jeffrey K.Liker: The Toyota Way
The Toyota Way is a very detailed insight into production excellence of the most successful automotive company in the world.
Doug Davidoff: The Revenue Acceleration Framework
The Revenue Acceleration Framework provides a reader with a comprehensive overview on how to manage RevOps in structured way.
Branislav Vujović: Između 2 sveta; Putovanje u digitalni svet
Digitalni svet nije isto kao fizički. Ako želite kao kompanija napraviti pravu digitalnu transformaciju, kreirajte digitalne procese.
Če bi lahko … idealno prodajno organizacijo
Če bi živeli v svetu brez omejitev, kako bi zgradili idealno prodajno organizacijo, ki bi bila moderna in učinkovita.
The Future CEO
The Future CEO is technology savvy, leading as member, Gen Z aware, physically ready and embracing diversity.
Amy Cuddy: Prisotnost
Moč nam omogoča prisotnost. Prisotnost je stanje, ki vodi do polne angažiranosti. Samozavest brez vzvišenosti.