Jeff Deutsch: Hvalnica dobrim knjigarnam
Je dobra knjigarna le iluzija bralcev, ki težko preživi v ekonomsko usmerjenem svetu ali pa je njena vloga v skupnosti dovolj močna za preživetje.
Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar: The Coming Wave; AI, Power and Our Future
AI and Our Future. Are we able to contain the coming wave of technology,? Will it work for us or we for it?
Stephen Padgett, William E. Paterson: A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe
A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe is great overview on the development of social democratic idea that shaped political landscape after WWII.
Neil Oliver: A History of Scotland
History of Scotland from the geography to tribes to nation and a part of the union. With Highland and Lowland and diaspora.
Michael Young: Vzpon Meritokracije
Vzpon meritokracije je knjiga, ki jo je Michael Young sprva zastavil kot resno razpravo a jo nato prelevil v satiro. Prednosti in pasti meritokracije skozi zgodovinsko satiro.
Fitzroy Maclean: Scotland
Scotland is the land of fighting and beauty. Scottish history is anything but a boring story. The author write it fluently.
Matt Rendell: Colombia es Pasion
Colombian cycling is more than just a sport, it is a part of country's identity and hope for a better future.
Chris Brown: William Wallace, The Man and The Myth
Real William Wallace is not Mel Gibson's Braveheart. The book gives one view on his history.
Jean-Francois Marmion: Psihologija Neumnosti
Neumnost je velika beseda, lahko uporabljiva, toda le redki so se jo lotilil na znanstven način in z različnih zornih kotov.