Daniel Goleman, Cary Cherniss: Optimal
Optimal from Goleman and Cherniss is a book on how to extend "the flow" moment in optimal state that gives us sustained excellence every day.
Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar: The Coming Wave; AI, Power and Our Future
AI and Our Future. Are we able to contain the coming wave of technology,? Will it work for us or we for it?
Stephen Padgett, William E. Paterson: A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe
A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe is great overview on the development of social democratic idea that shaped political landscape after WWII.
Meik Wiking: The Art of Danish Living
The Art of Danish Living is a book about happiness at work and how to achieve it by using Nordics style. Work-life balance or work-life blend?
Tae Kim: The Nvidia Way; Jensen Huang and the Making of a Tech Giant
The Nvidia Way is the story about how Jensen Huang management and some technological bright minds brough Nvidia to the top.
Melinda Spaulding, Mitch Tull: Finding Insight
In today's data world if you are not able to use structured approach to insight discovery, you will never find it, due to data noise.
Lukas Michel, Herb Nold: The Transition of Organizations
In the VUCA time how you manage organization in uncertain times is the key to successful management. The book gives some guidance.
Jeffrey K.Liker: The Toyota Way
The Toyota Way is a very detailed insight into production excellence of the most successful automotive company in the world.
David Ogilvy: Ogilvy on Advertising
Some wisdoms on advertising from the giant of advertising. Ogilvy on Advertising is the book that offers you an entrance into a world of advertising.