Steven Kotler: The Rise of Superman, Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance
The Flow is rare for ordinary humans, but for extreme athletes it is mandatory and everyday experience. It is the state needed to reach our limits.
Daniel Goleman, Cary Cherniss: Optimal
Optimal from Goleman and Cherniss is a book on how to extend "the flow" moment in optimal state that gives us sustained excellence every day.
Daniel Z. Lieberman, Michael E. Long: The Molecule of More
Dopamine is the molecule of more. It never stops. Here and now is not important of it.
Anna Lembke: Dopamine Nation, Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
Dopamine nation is an insight on how are dopamine drive can lead to addictions and how we should balance pain and pleasure.
Alex Hutchinson: Endure; Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
Instead of asking what are the limits of human performance, author is researching what cause them - body or mind?
Herman Pontzer: Pokuriti
Pokuriti je knjiga, ki odstira vpogled v človeško presnovo in kalorije, ki so valuta življenja.
Jean-Francois Marmion: Psihologija Neumnosti
Neumnost je velika beseda, lahko uporabljiva, toda le redki so se jo lotilil na znanstven način in z različnih zornih kotov.
Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles: Ikigai; The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
Ikigai is Japanese concept of how to live a full life. This book is researching some of long leaving people and how they do it.
Johann Hari: Ukradena pozornost
V času družbenih omrežij je cena, ki jo plačujemo za hitrost sprememb naša ukradena pozornost. Osredotočenost trpi povsod.