Jam Al-Khalili: Quantum, A Guide for the Perplexed
Quantum is the world so small that we can not see it, but we have a good explanation of it already. The book is a good overview of what we know.
Thomas S. Kuhn: Struktura znanstvenih revolucij
Razvoj znanosti ni kumulativen, temveč na njen razvoj vplivajo znanstvene revolucije. Ko je kriza prevelika, se pojavi nova paradigma.
Jean-Francois Marmion: Psihologija Neumnosti
Neumnost je velika beseda, lahko uporabljiva, toda le redki so se jo lotilil na znanstven način in z različnih zornih kotov.
Michio Kaku: Quantum Supremacy
The book is a case study for development and usage of quantum computers as a tool to solve a man's greatest problems.
Lisa Feldman Barret: Sedem in pol spoznanj o možganih
Glavna naloga možganov je, da nas ohranjajo pri življenju na najbolj učinkovit način. Kako to počno?
Richard P. Feynman: Six Easy Pieces
Feynman's physics lectures are worth reading, not only listening. He tried to bring complex world of physics into simple reality for students to understand it.
Kit Yates: Matematika med življenjem in smrtjo; Zakaj je matematika skoraj vse
Razumevanje matematike nam lahko olajša življenje in nam ponudi več možnosti za razumevanje dogajanja okoli nas, predvsem pa nas obvaruje pred manipulacijo 'strokovnjakov', ki radi uporabljajo številke za argumentacijo.
Paul Strathern: Mendeleyev’s Dream; The Quest for the Elements
The Periodic Table is one of the most known element in our world. But Mendeleyev only finished a discovery that started all the way back in Egipt. A book is a story of this journey.
Walter Isaacson: Leonardo Da Vinci; The Biography
Leonardo was one of true genius in human history, Isaacson beautifully captured his genius in this great biography.