“War on talent” is going to be a major topic for a next few years. I received a suggestion today to listen to a conversation about the report from LinkedIn – Global Talent Trends 2022.
Report is attached and some of the ideas are strong and will present a hard challenge for companies to tackle with. Change is imminent. Change is hard, but being irrelevant is even more. Let’s be an active part of The Great Reshuffle on both sides of business equation.
👉The Great Reshuffle: Employees are saying, ‘We can do better.’ Companies can too.
👉”Organizations That Can Reimagine How Work Gets Done Will Have a Decided Edge”
👉”Not since the industrial revolution have companies really had to think about work design, about what tasks get done and where do those tasks get done, and when and how do you deconstruct work so that it’s done in an optimal manner.”
Nickle LaMoreaux – Chief Human Resources Officer, IBM
👉”In the workplace, we shouldn’t value and celebrate the people who stay up all night and burn the midnight oil, because that doesn’t really produce great results for the person or the organization. It’s not a sustainable model.”
Jen Fisher – Chief Well-Being Officer at Deloitte