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Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschappeler: The Change Book, Fifty models to explain how things happen

Almost every idea has an existing model. Change does not imply temporary transition from one state to another. The idea of being has to be replaced by the notion of becoming.

  • Explaining our world:
    • Ideas about how all started and what will happen if nothing happens any more. Fukuyama predicted an age of boredom once history had ended. Does history repeat itself? Are we at the end of history? Will we see reinvention of socialism? Will we see new world order?
    • Why x is new y – Google related connections. Coffe is new Craft Beer. Euro is new subprime mortgage. Cloud is new subprime mortgage. Unpaid jobs are new normal. Facebook is new cause of divorce, Prozac, New World order.
    • Cities are new nations. Jobs will follow people not the other way around. Cities need to provide talent, technology and tolerance and to add another one is time perspective (they need to keep those relationships in place for longer time.)
    • Can we challenge development not in a vertical direction but horizontal? Can we say that we are not getting better, just different? Can you imagine world where you are not center of? A world that has no center at all.
    • Innovations means cutting out the unnecessary.
    • Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom. We should be careful at following our instincts.
    • Markets don’t tend to equilibrium, but rather to excess on one or another side and act more like pendulum.
    • In questions about who should govern us, we should look at it from two perspective: quality of government and ability to replace it.
    • Space and time are seen in 3 and 1 dimension, this is framework we can work with. What if it is not the only one?
    • How we know, what we think we know? With deduction and induction.
  • Explaining my world
    • When we think about desire, we need to see it from perspective of having it, then either stepping on gas to accelerate towards it or braking to sustain it. Think about relationship and potential for cheating. Bigamy is having one wife too many, monogamy is the same.
    • Thinking about decisions, can you classify them into four categories: short-term gain, long-term gain, short-term happiness and long-term happiness.
    • Parents are not important; personality develops inside groups where child is actively involved.
    • Why we need others and why we usually have prejudices about them?
    • The brand used to represent the company, now the company represents the brand. What do we believe in?
    • Infinite growth of material consumption in a finite world is an impossibility.
    • We need foreigners, since western way of thinking is based in dichotomies. Relativity is so much easier if we have a base point for comparison.
  • Change my world
    • How can you make decisions: Decide on research strategy, limit your options, accept “good enough”, don’t fear consequences, go with your gut instinct, have someone else choose and don’t question your decision any more. All your final decisions are made in the state of mind that is not going to last.
    • We are always available, but also always distractible.
    • Most of us measure our life in years, companies think in quarters. Microsoft divides the day into 15-minute units. Can we put different perspective, instead of years, we take 5-year perspective, have 16 units in 80-years life span and have 16 goals for each of them. This was the idea of Patrick Peterka.
    • Ulrich Borckling says that we are subjected to »self-optimization imperative«. He calls this ideal of always achieving more »enterpreneurial self«.
    • Changes reguires movement. Movement causes friction. Friction causes pain. Real change cannot take place without any pain. – Ketan Lakhani.
    • Since politics of New Center (Blair, Schroder, Clinton) changed welfare to workfare, there has been increasing emphasis on taking personal responsibility for one’s well-being. Would idea of universal basic income changed something.
    • Driving force behind internet is willingness to share our data.
    • Not everything that is legal is also legitimate.
    • How do we deal with dying. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross defines five stages of dying: denial, anger, barganing, depression, acceptance.
    • Stop believing that there is such a thing as objectivty – you will always find somebody who think exactly the opposite is »objectively« true. Start to be curious – and critical – about the attitudes of others and about your own.
  • Changes in our world
    • Pipelines are the new borders. There are new players and no more alliances will be the name of the game in twenty-first century. Individual freedom is what everybody is working for.
    • Transparency is new in. We will have five powers in the political sense – legislative, executive, adjucative, media and destruction (wikileaks).
    • We will fight dictatorship of fear, love, breaking news, health and beauty, irony and growth.
    • People are unpredictive, because they poses potential of group thinking, that can disrupt normal patterns. Why do we follow majority? Is it because they have more reason? No, because they have more power. – Blaise Pascal
    • The search of new communities is destroying the old ones, but spiritual belief as such is not dissapearing.
    • In our search for possibilites to intervene in our future, we are allowing pre-emptive behaviour. This means that you are not preparing for future, but creating it.
    • When we tackle complex issues, we should look them from a matrix, are they real and shall we do something about it.
    • I don’t know it it gets better if it’s different. But I know it has to be different to be good. – George Cristoph Lichtenberg
    • Health industry is new industrial trend. It is all about the body and how to control and improve it.
    • Computers are overtaking us. Can we be facing technological singularity?
    • Gene decoding is a path to new realities. Perspectives can change. Everything will become more personalized and differences will be multiplicated.
    • We have three group of people: focused on past (past negatives), focused on present (hedonist), focused on future (planner).
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